You're getting that error because your messaging/data management destination 
has destination-level inbound throttling set to 500 which means that 
destination can accept 500 msg/sec max but instead it's getting 15K and hence 
the error. 

Re #1, you can refer to "Controlling data traffic" section of LCDS 3.0 
documentation. It explains config settings for inbound/outbound throttling.

You can also take a look at the sample config (messaging-config.xml or 
data-management-config.xml depending on what you use) in resources/config 
folder of your LCDS installation. The sample config has plenty explanation of 
throttling options but ultimately you need to decide how many messages your 
destination should accept for your application and what should happen 
(throttling policy) when that limit is reached.

Re #2, IGNORE means that when the throttling limit is reached, the message will 
be dropped. It depends on your application whether this is ok or not.

If you want detailed explanation of message throttling, take a look at the 
second video in this post:

Re #3, RTMP is a protocol, AMF is an encoding, different things. I think you 
meant you use HTTP (polling/long-polling/streaming). There's no magic protocol 
that can speed up a slow network but there's reliable messaging feature in LCDS 
that can help with transient network problems. You can read more about it in 
LCDS 3.0 documentation.


--- In, "rojoe615" <headj...@...> wrote:
> Not sure if this is the proper forum or not for LCDS related questions, but 
> here goes:
> We have a small demo app that is built with Flex and LCDS 2.6 using Hibernate 
> and mySQL.  I am running into some issues with network performance and it 
> appears to be either slow response from the server or network congestion.  
> I'm getting a message that say:
> "Message throttled: Too many messages sent to destination 
> productoptions.hibernate in too small of a time interval.  actual 
> frequency=15000 max frequency=500" 
> and the user gets alert messages in the app.  I'm new to this LCDS thing so 
> my questions are:
> 1)  How do you configure the message throttle settings appropriately?  Is 
> there a guide or reference for an approach to this?
> 2)  I know there is an "IGNORE" setting for the throttle settings. Should 
> that setting be used in this case?  Does it impact data integrity if used?
> 3)  Due to firewall issues, I cannot use RTMP.  I am using AMF, but is there 
> a preferred protocol that might help for message processing or issues with 
> slow or intermittent network performance?
> There seems to be a bit of black magic in this that I haven't figured out, 
> coupled with the fact this is a totally new area for me, so any thoughts 
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> JB

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