Hi Jake,

thanks for the heads up. Where would I be able to set the theme to utilize halo 
on this case? Is there a declaration I need to make on my MXML?

I tried to set my mxml datagrid column wordWrap style property to FALSE but the 
data still wraps. I wonder if this is the proper way to prevent wrapping of the 
data for the datagrid column.

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Contact Particulars" width="120" 
dataField="contactParticulars" wordWrap="false"/>

Thanks a lot.


From: Jake Churchill <reyna...@gmail.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, 26 March, 2010 15:02:58
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re-Compiling MXML with Flex 4 (Before I Used Flex 3.X)

I'm pretty sure 1 and 3 can both be accomplished by setting the theme property 
on the application to "halo" which used to be the default.  Now the default is 
spark which is the visual change and I believe the backgroundGradient is no 
longer applicable there but still is on halo.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Angelo Anolin <angelo_anolin@ yahoo.com> wrote:

>I am in the process of re-compiling some of the MXML files I have done using 
>Flex 4 from Flex 3.  So far, some of my source codes have compiled properly, 
>and most of them simply trigger an error when it comes to the 
>backgroundGradientC olors of the application container.  Other than that, I am 
>amazed at the size of the compiled SWF (using flex 3.X, my SWF size was around 
>400KB) while using Flex 4.0, the SWF got to around 50KB which is a remarkable 
>BTW, I am simply using the command line compiler in order to generate the SWF 
>Anyway, I have some few questions as I further perform the re-compilation.  
>1. Since I (and my users) are already quite happy with the unstyled visual 
>look of the SWF when compiled using Flex 3.X, using Flex 4, the look comes a 
>little different.  Is there a certain way that I could possibly insert in the 
>command line to retain the old look for my compiled SWF applications?  Or 
>would I need to apply some CSS and styling so as to retain the previous look 
>of the application?
>2. Previously, the datagrid did not wrap the text in the column width.  In 
>Flex 4, it seems to automatically wrap with regards to the width of the 
>column.  Is there a way to prevent this?
>3. I'd like to retain the backgroundGradient property but at a loss on how to 
>work around this using the latest Flex compiler. Any suggestions?
>I am sure I would have further questions, knowing that I have basically 
>started porting some source to be compiled with the latest Flex version. 


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