I have seen this too.  I'm on a Windows 2.6GHz machine with 4GB ram and
Windows 7 and it's way slower than FB3 on the same machine.  My actionscript
is slower as well.  It has something to do with matching text instances I
think but I haven't figured out how to turn it off yet.  If anyone knows,
I'd love to hear.



On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 1:14 PM, ettorepasquini <ettorepasqu...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I am using the Flash Builder 4 on a Macbook Pro 2.4Ghz (pretty fast
> machine) and I noticed that the code editor has gotten extremely slow when
> editing MXML files. Slow as in 1-character-per-second slow. It's irritating
> and unusable.
> Slowness increases with the number of components in the MXML file. Even
> files with just a few components show a noticeable lag while typing.
> Anybody else is experiencing this behavior? I tried disabling everything I
> could in the prefs to no avail.
> What can I do to improve responsiveness?

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