Hi Valdhor,

Thanks for the advice.

I have created a sample button component and a parent component to implement 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
   import flash.events.Event;
   private function myButtonComponent_Click(evt:Event) :void
    Alert.show("Button Clicked", evt.target.label);
 <appButtonComponent:ButtonComponent id="myButtonComponent" 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; verticalAlign="middle" 
horizontalAlign="left" horizontalGap="2" height="50"> 
 <mx:Button id="btn1" label="Button 1" width="100" />
 <mx:Button id="btn2" label="Button 2" width="100" />

Clicking on any button on the component will display the label of the button 
which was clicked.

I wonder if I am doing things the "RIGHT" way through this? Although I believe 
I achieved what I wanted to do through this means. I would only then use a 
switch statement and process the necessary method or function based on the 
button which was clicked.

Any further advice and better methods of coding would be highly appreciated.



From: valdhor <valdhorli...@embarqmail.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, 15 April, 2010 13:48:04
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: MXML Component Call Event in Parent

I don't really have any simple examples.

I did look at the documentation for the Button Class (http://livedocs. 
adobe.com/ flex/3/langref/ flash/display/ InteractiveObjec t.html#event: click) 
and noted the bubbles property is set to true so the button click should bubble 
up to your parent component.

So, add an event listener in the parent component to catch the event. If you 
have multiple buttons, you will have to check the event.target property to find 
out which button dispatched the event (hint: Add a breakpoint in your handler 
and check the event.target and event.currenttarget properties).

--- In flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com, Angelo Anolin <angelo_anolin@ ...> wrote:
> Hi Valdhor,
> Care to show some examples? Or some links? Thanks.
> Angelo
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: valdhor <valdhorlists@ ...>
> To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
> Sent: Thu, 15 April, 2010 12:14:11
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: MXML Component Call Event in Parent
> Make sure the event is set to bubble. Once it has, the event should bubble up 
> the chain to the parent where an event listener should catch it.
> --- In flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com, Angelo Anolin <angelo_anolin@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi FlexCoders,
> > 
> > I have created a component consisting of some buttons which I am using in 
> > another MXML component.
> > 
> > How would I trigger from the parent component an event which was done 
> > inside the component.  For example, I clicked on a button on the component 
> > which I embedded, that should map to an event on the parent containing the 
> > component.
> > 
> > I am looking to reuse the same component in other MXML files as well.
> > 
> > Thanks. Appreciate your inputs.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Angelo
> >


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