I use Mate on all my projects. I use a lot of injectors to push my data to my views by binding them to the manager Class. What is the issue you are having? If you are reusing the same element on 2 views, you'd need to either put the data binding (ArrayCollection, Object, etc) on the component with your menu or push the data to both views to have the menu use it as a datasource.

I particularly like Mate for 2 main reasons. Lower learning curve and you don't put any of the framework into your views or models. All is managed by custom events and the map. So, if at any time in the future, you want to pop it out of the application, its minimal work (just have to write connectors for the events).

On 4/19/2010 1:55 PM, md_ars wrote:


We are planning to use MATE framework for our project. We will have two separate applications our main transaction application will have probably over 150 screens and 100 reports. The application is mostly data driven and we are using web-services to display and enter the data. I tested the MATE frame work with one screen and it was easy to implement. Now I am trying with one MENU and two screens and it is getting complicated to use shared classes etc. Is the MATE framework good for our application? If yes what is the best way to implement MATE? With two screens I am already finding tricky to use Injectors. The main code structure of my project looks like as given below.

Main -- Contains Application module
Forms -- Contains screens based on panels/vbox or mdi window
Events - Contains main event map and following folders
Session -- Events triggered from the screens.
EventManager -- Parsing the data after session events fetched data through web service.
ControlClass -- Common classes used for screens etc.

Should I use a common structure of the whole application or should it a separate for each screen? To me it will be too messy to have common structure whereas too tedious for each screen. So far team size is 2 and may extend to 3. Please suggest an optimum way.


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