Hi Alex,

The XML being returned by the web service is as follows:




>From the web service, I assign the Result Event to an XML variable:

_xmlPlayers = XML(event.result);

And I am converting it into an XMLListCollection via the following MXML tags:

<mx:XMLListCollection id="xmllcPlayers" source="{_xmlPlayers.Table}" />

In the filterfunction of the xmllistcollection, I have the scripts:

private function filterPlayers(item:Object) :Boolean
return itm.EmployeeEmail.toLowerCase().indexOf(tiSearch.text.toLowerCase()) != 

The tiSearch is a text input box where the event to filter is triggered on each 
keystroke (via the textinput change event).

Using the other fields such as FirstName or LastName, the search works well but 
not on the email field. 

Any ideas?



From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
To: "flexcoders@yahoogroups.com" <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, 14 May, 2010 12:09:50
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] XML List Collection Filter Function

Post the XML and the filterfunction

On 5/14/10 8:54 AM, "Angelo Anolin" <angelo_anolin@ yahoo.com> wrote:

>Hi FlexCoders,
>>For some reason, I do not know why my filter function being applied to an XML 
>>list collection does not filter those fields that are email addresses.
>>Is this a bug or something?
>>I traced the filter function and it is returning a true or false value 
>>depending on the index of the search field but the particular row does not 
>>get filtered out.
Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe System, Inc.
http://blogs. adobe.com/ aharui


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