Actually, the dpID is different for each xmllistcollection being passed.

For example, for an xmllistcollection consisting of Orders, I might have to 
need the OrderID, which I am accessing, and it goes on for another 
xmllistcollection of States, where on that collection, I might have to access 

To give further clarification,

say I have two combo boxes, cmbTeams and cmbCoach.  the dataprovider for 
cmbTeams is xmllcTeams and for cmbCoach is xmllcCoach.

I want a generic function such that I would be able to set the selectedItem for 
each Combo Box instead of writing two.

private function SetComboBoxSelectedItem(itemToSelect:String, 
xmlLC:XMLListCollection, cmb:ComboBox, collectionID:String)

Since the collectionID for the xmllcTeams is TeamID, then that is the value 
which I pass as collectionID in the function.  For the xmllcCoach, it would be 
the CoachID.

so what comes now is that when I want to call the function, the collectionID is 
represented by the actual ID which to match in the data provider.

For the xmllcTeams
var item:String = xmlLC.getItemAt(i).TeamID

For the xmllcCoach
var item:String = xmlLC.getItemAt(i).CoachID

Generic form>>
var item:String = xmlLC.getItemAt(i).collectionID; ??


From: gareth_arch <>
Sent: Wed, 19 May, 2010 10:34:35
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Generic Function To Set ComboBox Item

Don't you access properties in an XMLListCollection differently than in an 

So rather than...
var item:String = dataProv.getItemAt(i).dpID;
it would be
var item:String = dataProv.getItemAt(i)....@dpid;

Try doing a debug of your code and see what is being returned also.

--- In, Angelo Anolin <angelo_ano...@...> wrote:
> Hi FlexCoders,
> I would want to create a generic function to be able to set a ComboBox item.
> The function I have goes like this:
> private function selectComboItem(itemID:String, dataProv:XMLListCollection, 
> cmb:ComboBox, dpID:String) :void
> {
>   for (var i:int = 0; i< dataProv.length; i++)
>   {
>     var item:String = dataProv.getItemAt(i).dpID;
>     if(itemID == item)
>     {
>       cmb.selectedIndex = i;
>       break;
>     }
>   }
> }
> dpID is the data item in the XML List collection which should match the 
> passed itemID.  But I can't seem to get properly the item.
> Any suggestions highly appreciated. Thanks.



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