
I have a combobox in item editor in a datagrid. the combobox is populated with 
a dataprovider. All this works fine until I place this combobox inside a gird

working code

mxml code

     <combobox dataprovider="{outerDocument.data}" ... />

actionscript code
object.data = ComboBox(event.currentTarget.itemEditorInstance).text;

problematic code

      <combobox dataprovider="{outerDocument.data}" ... />

actionscript code
object.data = ComboBox(event.currentTarget.itemEditorInstance).text;

error in the action script code:
cannot convert _inlinecompone...@3780479 to mx.controls.ComboBox

Here the itemeditorinstance is a grid so, probably its not able to convert to 
combobox, how do we get the selected value of the combobox from the itemeditor ?

I use the grid, as the rows are of variable height and the combobox looks huge 
if the height of the row is more

Thank you

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