Hi guys!

I wanna share a thing I coded recently: it is a ListCollectionMap class, that 
adds "map" functionality to ListCollectionView "sort" and "filter". A lot of 
times I felt I was missing something like this, especially when using Mate 
framework where everything is controlled by flows of binding events.

ListCollectionMap can do one-to-one and one-to-many mappings and can be used in 
data binding chains along with ListCollectionView.

The quick example is:

public var dataIntegers:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([1, 2, 3]); 

public var mapIntegers:ListCollectionMap = new 
ListCollectionMap(incrementMapping, dataIntegers); 

public function incrementMapping(i:int):int
        return i + 1

Detailed explanation and examples are in my blog:



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