I am trying to adapt an existing flash web chat application for the Android 
mobile phone and I am having this really annoying issue. The server is a custom 
based solution and can send back both binary messages or XML. So I can use 
either XMLSocket class or the Socket class to get data from the server. 
Everything works fine when deployed and I connect from the desktop but when I 
try it from the android mobile I get the infamous errors #2031, followed by 
#2048. Now the crossdomain.xml file is rock solid and works well for desktop. 
When the connect socket method runs I see that the server replies with the 
crossdomain file but I get the error when running on the mobile. Has anyone 
bumped into this? Is there some limitation from the mobile phone part. I wasn't 
able to find anything relevant for this issue, in terms of the phone not 
allowing Socket or SMLSocket connections. 

The phone runs Android 2.1 and indicates the FL10,1,123,358 version of flash. 
The issue can be reproduced also on the HTC Desire.

Any input on this would be highly appreciated...

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