In the beginning of my Flex web development I used components to 
separate different functionality of my web applications. Being acutely 
aware of load time and different user bandwidths, I switched to now 
develop my applications in modules. This has made my web applications 
load faster.

Now I am developing 2 pieces of software using AIR and not sure which 
approach is better. One I started with the same approach using modules, 
but now that its time to work on the other I am curious if there are any 
glaring benefits to developing in Modules with AIR. Load time seems 
relatively short since its using the computers processing power. My apps 
are certainly faster loading than Adobe's ;). Application install size 
is not really a factor since none of software application are remarkably 

It seems a lot easier for me (and much much lazier) to just take each 
sub application, put it into a Group component and use a viewstack to 
move around the application rather then loading and unloading separate 

Now that I am getting into more custom software development, I would 
love some advice from the experts here on this 'best 
practice'....Modules or Components.


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