Take a look at http://shemesh.wordpress.com/category/flex/popupbutton/ to see 
if it may help.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alexander" <alexander.far...@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to port a bigger project from Flash CS4 to Flex 3
> and have a problem that the PopUpButton, that is located
> at the right bottom of my app, opens downwards when
> I click it and thus is being cut off. Only if I resize the
> browser, it will open upwards as actually wanted by me.
> I've tried to prepare a simpler test case (s. the code below)
> to demonstrate my problem, but can't  reproduce it :-/
> Also I would appreciate if someone could reproduce
> me a simple trick to render some of the items (card suits)
> in red foreground color instead of the default black?
> Do I have to create a separate file as an item renderer
> (still reading up there... and don't understand yet,
> how to specify that file in my menu which I create in AS)
> or is there maybe a simpler trick?
> Thank you for any hints and below is my test code
> Alex
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
> creationPolicy="all">
>        <mx:Style>
>                @font-face {
>                        src:url("C:\\WINDOWS\\Fonts\\times.ttf");
>                        fontFamily: myFont;
>                        /* card suits */
>                        unicodeRange: U+2660-U+266B;
>                }
>                Menu {
>                        fontFamily: myFont;
>                        fontSize: 24;
>                }
>        </mx:Style>
>        <mx:Script>
>                <![CDATA[
>                        import mx.controls.*;
>                        private function createMenu():void {
>                                var bids:Array = [{label: "Pass"}];
>                                for (var i:uint = 7; i <= 10; i++)
>                                        for (var j:uint = 0; j < 4; j++)
>                                                bids.unshift({label: 
> i+"♠♣♦♥".charAt(j%4)});
>                                var menu:Menu = new Menu();
>                                menu.dataProvider = bids;
>                                menu.selectedIndex = 0;
>                                pub.popUp = menu;
>                        }
>                ]]>
>        </mx:Script>
>        <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
>        </mx:Canvas>
>        <mx:ApplicationControlBar width="100%">
>                <mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
>                <mx:PopUpButton id="pub" creationComplete="createMenu();"/>
>        </mx:ApplicationControlBar>
> </mx:Application>

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