Title: Compilation Error - Unresolved Symbol

Hi !

I'm having the following compilation error:

Unresolved symbol, , required by __Packages.SideSelector

I don't know how to fix it. I don't know to find out where is the
piece of code causing the error. Below the component code for

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml" initialize="initialize()">
                import com.datasul.framework.ui.template.model.SideSelectorModel;
                import com.datasul.framework.ui.template.control.SideSelectorController;
                import org.nevis.cairngorm.control.EventBroadcaster;

                var controller:SideSelectorController;
                var selectedIndex:Object;

                function initialize(): Void {
                        controller = new SideSelectorController();
                function setSelectedItem(index:Number): Void {
                        selectedIndex = index;
                function create(): Void {
                        if (selectedIndex != undefined ){
                                EventBroadcaster.getInstance().broadcastEvent( controller.ADD_SIDE_SELECTION, selectedIndex );

                        } else {
                                mx.core.Application.alert( "Nenhum item foi selecionado." );
                function remove(): Void {
                        if (selectedIndex != undefined ){
                                EventBroadcaster.getInstance().broadcastEvent( controller.REMOVE_SIDE_SELECTION, selectedIndex );

                        } else {
                                mx.core.Application.alert( "Nenhum item foi selecionado." );
        <mx:Panel id="main" label="Title">
                        <mx:Panel id="leftPanel" label="Left Column Title">
                                <mx:DataGrid id="leftGrid" dataProvider="{SideSelectorModel.leftList}" editable="false" change="setSelectedItem(leftGrid.selectedIndex)">

                        <mx:Canvas id="canvas">
                                <mx:VBox verticalAlign="middle">
                                        <mx:Button id="createItem" icon="" click="create()"/>
                                        <mx:Button id="removeItem" icon="" click="remove()"/>
                        <mx:Panel id="rightPanel" label="Right Column Title">
                                <mx:DataGrid id="rightGrid" dataProvider="{SideSelectorModel.rightList}" editable="false" change="setSelectedItem(rightGrid.selectedIndex)">


I'm sure the all import staments are working and referenced classes are being found. The
source code is in ASC and appears to be not corrupted. So, I do not understand why I'm
having the error.

Can you help me ?

Any suggestion would be very appreciated !
Thanks in advance !

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