I must assume that you are using Flex SDK 4.

I am currently having the same issues now.  Trying to port some Flex 3 codes to 
Flex 4 and a lot of styling and CSS things are going haywire.

I thought that developer and designer productivity has been greatly enhanced in 
SDK 4.0 but it seems that people who are both dev/designer at the same time are 
getting a hard time actually making the code work.


From: Jesse Warden <jesse.war...@gmail.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, 27 August, 2010 10:27:26
Subject: [flexcoders] styles are ignored

This Flex app loads in a module, and an external stylesheet (no, I can't get 
into why).  When I put my <mx:Style source="defaults.css" /> in the app, they 
don't show up.  If I trace out the CSSStyleDeclaration in creationComplete it's 
null.  The code doesn't allow me to compile with -keep-generated-actionscript, 
so it's not easy for me to figure out why.

1. why the hell is it ignoring my syles; I have things like Selectors that are 
unique, yet aren't in StyleManager at all...?
2. If I load them in dynamically as a SWF, will that fix it?


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