I believe Sharify is the other "Player" in the space.

With Flextras; we wrote our own. This isn't usually the type of thing you look for a free component for.

On 8/3/2011 10:12 AM, Nick Collins wrote:

I don't know of any free component, but you may want to investigate either Zarqon ( from Cliff Hall, the creator of PureMVC ), or NitroLM.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 5:14 AM, isa_loyer <isa_lo...@yahoo.fr <mailto:isa_lo...@yahoo.fr>> wrote:

    Dear Flexer,

    I'm developping an AIR application.
    I'd like include licence system to protect my soft.

    Do you if free component exist or do you have an idea to do that?

    Thanks for help

Jeffry Houser
Technical Entrepreneur
UI Flex Components: Tested! Supported! Ready!
Part of the DotComIt Brain Trust

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