I'm trying to get my head around how to do a SQLite bulk insert using
transactions.  This works, but it doesn't make sense to re-create a new
SQLStatement in the loop:

private function onAddBulkContacts():void {
    _responder = new Responder(resultEventHandler, errorEventHandler);
    contacts_db.connection.begin(null, _responder);
    var statement:SQLStatement;

    for (var i:uint=0; i<parseInt(bulkAdd.numberToAdd.text); i++) {
     statement  = new SQLStatement();
    statement.sqlConnection = contacts_db.connection;
    statement.text ="INSERT INTO contacts ('name', 'lastname') VALUES

function(event:Event):void {
    trace('statement error');});
    statement.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, function(event:Event):void {
trace('result'); });
        statement.parameters['@NAME'] = "Name " + i.toString();
        statement.parameters['@LASTNAME'] = "LastName " + i.toString();

What I want to do is create the SQLStatement once, let it compile, then just
pass in new arguments within the loop, the commit it at the end, e.g.

private function onAddBulkContacts():void {
    _responder = new Responder(resultEventHandler, errorEventHandler);
    contacts_db.connection.begin(null, _responder);
    var statement:SQLStatement;

    statement  = new SQLStatement();
    statement.sqlConnection = contacts_db.connection;
    statement.text ="INSERT INTO contacts ('name', 'lastname') VALUES

function(event:Event):void {
    trace('statement error');});
    statement.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, function(event:Event):void {
trace('result'); });

    for (var i:uint=0; i<parseInt(bulkAdd.numberToAdd.text); i++) {
        statement.parameters['@NAME'] = "Name " + i.toString();
        statement.parameters['@LASTNAME'] = "LastName " + i.toString();

But the latter code throw an error saying that it can't execute the second
time through, since the statement itself is still executing (and I believe
will be in that state until the commit).  I guess I can understand that the
statements get added to the execution queue, but it doesn't make sense that
I have to add the SQL text within the loop, exactly the thing I'm trying to
avoid.  I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but I've spent way too
long hacking and reading trying to figure out what the proper sequence is.
Any ideas?



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