In Flex 4.5 spark forms, I can right justify formitem labels with the style:-

         s|FormItem #labelDisplay {text-align: right;}

and form layout set to <s:FormLayout/>.

When I change to layout to:-


the label text alignment is ignored.

I have 42 data items I want to layout in 3 columns and I'm displaying
each data item with a FormItem like:-

<s:FormItem label="data item1:">
     <s:Label text="{theData.dataItem1}"/>

and I'm using the <fx:Style> to set each of the form item's label text
alignment to the right.

How can I get this working?

Chris Velevitch
Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
m: 0415 469 095

Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
Topic: Deploying Coldfusion into the Cloud
Date: 26th September 6pm for 6:30 start
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