Add an event listener for the menubar rather than each item then check the 
label of the item that was clicked in the event.

for an example.

--- In, Gustavo Duenas <gduenas@...> wrote:
> Hi I have this code, for a title bar, so far I can add behaviours to  
> the main buttoms but I come with the ideo to add new
> sub-buttoms and I'm lost how can I put eventlisteners to them?
> here is the code of my buttom bar
> <mx:MenuBar width="1079.697" height="40.151516" id="mBar"  
> labelField="@label" creationComplete="init()" fontSize="14"  
> fillAlphas="[0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26]" fontWeight="bold"  
> cornerRadius="6" color="#071243" fontFamily="Arial"  
> verticalCenter="-4" left="9.05">
>       <mx:dataProvider>
>               <mx:XMLListCollection>
>                       <mx:XMLList xmlns="">
>                           <item label="Petici—n de Oraci—n"/>
>                               <item label="Petici—n de Visita"/>
>                               <item label="Cont‡ctenos"/>
>                               <item label="Publicaciones">
>                                       <item label="La Biblia Antiguo 
> Testamento"/>
>                                       <item label="La Biblia Nuevo 
> Testamento"/>
>                                       <item label="Concordancia Tem‡tica de 
> la Biblia"/>
>                                       <item label="Doctrina Cristiana"/>
>                               </item>
>                               <item label="Iglesia FLS Blog"/>
>                               <item label="Donaciones"/>
>                       </mx:XMLList>
>               </mx:XMLListCollection>
>       </mx:dataProvider>
> here is the code of the CDATA script.
> protected function init():void{
>                               var mbiBlog:MenuBarItem= mBar.menuBarItems[4] 
> as MenuBarItem;
>                               mbiBlog.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, 
> openWindowBlog);
>                       }
> the buttoms I'd like to know how can I put the eventListeners are
> <item label="La Biblia Antiguo Testamento"/>
>                                       <item label="La Biblia Nuevo 
> Testamento"/>
>                                       <item label="Concordancia Tem‡tica de 
> la Biblia"/>
>                                       <item label="Doctrina Cristiana"/>
> Some help will be appreciated.
> Gustavo

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