well I am running windows 7, but I sure as hell am not going back to XP :D

Did you have to go through this process every time you debug? or only when
encountering the problem and then it would solve it for a while?

On 8 November 2011 16:40, Hans Goeckel <hgoec...@comcast.net> wrote:

> **
> **
> I've had a similar problem.  Flash Builder shows me the current source
> when debugging, but when you try to step through it, it is obviously
> running a previous version of the source.  What fixed it for me is to
> switch to another project in the workspace, compile it, then return to the
> main project, and recompile the modules that were screwing up.  Hope that
> fixes it for you too.
> Interestingly this problem seems to only occur on my new Windows 7 system
> with the latest Java.  My older XP system would crash when running out of
> Java heap space, but would never go out of sync.

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