Hi All,

       I have flex advanced data grid (hierarchical) with custom summary
row. I have used the concept of Dynamic Advanced List
ith-flex/> )

I have a custom summary row that is positioned as footer. This works
fine without any issues.

     I have a requirement to show the custom summary row as a top row
(locked row) in the advanced data grid. I have managed to position the
the custom summary row top of the grid. I put dummy object for the first
row in data grid and positioned the summary row after grid header row.

  The problem I have is when we scroll the rows in the data grid the
summary row content is overlapping with grid rows.

     Is there anyway that I can manage to hide the scroll able content in
the advanced data grid?

    in adjustListContent I am positioning footer after header row by

override protected function adjustListContent(unscaledWidth:Number = -1,
unscaledHeight:Number = -1):void {                             
super.adjustListContent(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
listContent.setActualSize(listContent.width, listContent.height);
footer.setActualSize(listContent.width, footerHeight);
//footer.move(listContent.x, listContent.y + listContent.height + 1);
footer.move(listContent.x, this.headerHeight + 1);   }

   Here footer is custom class extends UIComponent

public class AdvancedDataGridFooter extends UIComponent{         
private var colAlignmentSet:Set;          public function
AdvancedDataGridFooter(colAlignmentSet:Set)          {
super();                    this.colAlignmentSet = colAlignmentSet;
}          protected var overlayFixed:Sprite;          protected var
overlayScrollable:Sprite;          protected var
dataGrid:AdvancedDataGrid;            /**           *  create the actual
border here           */          override protected function
createChildren():void          {                    dataGrid = parent as
AdvancedDataGrid;                      overlayFixed = new Sprite();
addChild(overlayFixed);                      overlayScrollable = new
Sprite();                    addChild(overlayScrollable);
_handleColumnStretch);          }          private function
_handleColumnStretch (e : AdvancedDataGridEvent) : void {
_drawFixedColumns = false;          }          //you only need to draw
the fixed columns on init and when the columns          //are resized
private var _drawFixedColumns : Boolean = false;          /**          
*          lay it out           */          override protected function
updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void          {                   
overlayScrollable.graphics.clear();                    if
overlayFixed.graphics.clear();                    }                var
lockedColumns : int = dataGrid.lockedColumnCount;                    //
destroy the old children - except the grid lines and the mask
// if there is no mask, only keep the the grid lines (level 0),
// if there is a mask, keep mask (level 0) and grid lines (level 1)
var childrenToKeep : int = 2;                    if (_drawFixedColumns)
childrenToKeep += lockedColumns;                    if
(dataGrid.getStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy") != "off") {
childrenToKeep ++;                              _updateMask (w, h);
}                    while (numChildren > childrenToKeep)
removeChildAt(childrenToKeep);                         // make new ones
var cols:Array = dataGrid.columns;            if(null != cols &&
cols.length > 0){      var lineCol:uint =
dataGrid.getStyle("verticalGridLineColor");      var vlines:Boolean =
overlayFixed.graphics.lineStyle(1, lineCol);                   
overlayScrollable.graphics.lineStyle(1, lineCol);                       
var xx:Number = 0;                    var yy:Number = 0;
var i : int = 0;                    var col:AdvancedDataGridColumn;
//draw the locked columns if there are any                    while (xx
< w && i < lockedColumns)                    {
col = cols[i++];         if (!_drawFixedColumns) {
_drawColumn(col, overlayFixed, i, xx, yy, h);
}                              xx += col.width;                      }
_drawFixedColumns = true;                    //draw the scrollable
columns                    i = dataGrid.horizontalScrollPosition +
lockedColumns;                    while (xx < w && i < cols.length )
{                              col = cols[i++];
_drawColumn(col, overlayScrollable, i, xx, yy, h);
xx += col.width;                    }        lineCol =
dataGrid.getStyle("horizontalGridLineColor");      if
(dataGrid.getStyle("horizontalGridLines")) {
overlayFixed.graphics.lineStyle(1, lineCol);
overlayFixed.graphics.moveTo(0, yy);                             
overlayFixed.graphics.lineTo(w, yy);                    }
// draw separator at top of footer      lineCol =
overlayFixed.graphics.lineStyle(1, lineCol);                   
overlayFixed.graphics.moveTo(0, 0);                   
overlayFixed.graphics.lineTo(w, 0);          }          }         
private function _drawColumn (col:AdvancedDataGridColumn,             
drawSprite : Sprite, i : int, xx : Number, yy : Number, h : Number) :
void           {              if (col is FooterAdvancedDataGridColumn) {
var fdgc:FooterAdvancedDataGridColumn = col as
fdgc.footerColumn.owner = fdgc.owner;                              var
renderer:IListItemRenderer = (fdgc.footerColumn.itemRenderer) ?
fdgc.footerColumn.itemRenderer.newInstance() :
renderer.styleName = "summaryRightStyle";                             
}else{                                        renderer.styleName =
"summaryLeftStyle";                              }
//if(col.dataField != "key"){                                       
//renderer.styleName = "summaryStyle";                              //}
if (renderer is IDropInListItemRenderer) {
IDropInListItemRenderer(renderer).listData =
new AdvancedDataGridListData(
(fdgc.footerColumn.labelFunction != null) ?                             
: fdgc.footerColumn.headerText,
fdgc.dataField, i - 1, null, dataGrid, -1);                             
}                              renderer.data = fdgc;
renderer.x = xx;                              renderer.y = yy;
renderer.setActualSize(col.width - 1, dataGrid.rowHeight);
if (dataGrid.getStyle("verticalGridLines"))                             
{                                        drawSprite.graphics.moveTo(xx +
col.width, yy);                                       
drawSprite.graphics.lineTo(xx + col.width, h);
}                    }          }          private var _myMask : Sprite;
/**           * Does two things : creates the mask if it's needed
* Updates the mask size based on the new size properties           */
private function _updateMask (w : Number, h : Number) : void {
//if the mask hasn't been created, create it                    if
(_myMask == null) {                              _myMask = new Sprite();
//need to add it at 1 because horizontal scroll policy could
//change at run time, and the removal of the text is based on
//child index                              addChildAt(_myMask, 1);
mask = _myMask;                    }                    var g : Graphics
= _myMask.graphics;                    g.clear();                   
g.beginFill(0xffffff, 0);                    g.drawRect(0, 0, w, h);
g.endFill();          }}



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