Either the whole entry is null or one of it's properties. Check which is null, 
and guard your code if null put empty string or whatever you seem fit for it.


 From: ZIONIST <stinas...@yahoo.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 5:41 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Using arraycollection as text for a flex TextArea 

That works well. It actually outputs the contents of the arraycollection in the 
textarea component. One very small issue though, it outputs the word NULL 
before the last item in the arraycollection. How do i get rid of that?

Below is the update.

private var orderColl:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();

/*** Create an object to hold the data ***/
var obj:Object=new Object();

/*** Assign the variables to it ***/

/*** Add the object to the list ***/
orderColl.addItemAt(obj, 0);

Then i have a TextArea component (id=cart) and i try to assign the 
arraycollection to it as text like this

var txt:String;
var n:int=orderColl.length;
for (var i:int=0; i < n; i++)
var entry:Object=orderColl.getItemAt(i);
txt += entry.OrderNumber + "," + "  " + entry.Product + "," + "  " + entry.Qty 
+ "  " + "Unit" + "(" + "s" + ")" + "," + "  " + "$" + entry.Price + "  " + 
"per unit" + "\n\n";
cart.text = txt;


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