I'm new to Flex programming, run the 4.6 SDK on Linux. I'm making good progress 
on getting my first serious application running, but I'm getting frustrated 
beyond belief in trying to debug this thing.

First, is it possible to pass query string paramaters to the SWF when I'm 
running flashplayerdebugger? I haven't found any clues as to how to do that in 
my Googling.

Second, is there a reasonable way to debug using something like the print 
statements I'm used to in my python programming? I know that Flex has the 
"trace" statement, but I haven't been able to figure out how to actually see 
what's coming out when I call that. I can read what gets written to 
flashlog.txt but anything meaningful gets lost in all of the "Warning: 
CheckVisibility is not a function" lines that get written there (which is 
immensely irritating since I'm not directly calling CheckVisibility anywhere).

Any help you all could offer would be greatly appreciated. I'm not new to 
programming (been programming in c for > 20 years, perl for > 10 years, python 
about 5 years, java for a year or so), just new to Flex and what appears to be 
a dearth of debugging tools.

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