Use Charles ( to see if the data you are expecting to come 
across the pipe is actually there.

If the data is there, you have a bug in your Flex code. If it isn't, you have a 
bug in your CFC.

--- In, "hermeszfineart" <hermeszfineart@...> wrote:
> when migrated to Linux Production server.
> Dev environment: Win 7 Pro, CF9/Apache/MySQL, AI/FC/FB4.5
> Production Env:  LAMP/CF9
> I am a beginner in Flex and I have been working on developing a new Web Site 
> for my wife's art.
> Beginning with the backend (database functionallity) and then the frontend 
> goodies. The site, as it is now, works fine on my Dev machine but when I move 
> the app to the linux server (Ubuntu 10.?) database queries return NULL values.
> Go to the Gallery link to see. also if you mouseover any of the missing 
> images and click I should have a larger view of the selected art. note the 
> "null X null" next to the dimensions Label.
> Originally, the CFCs were in the [root]/CFC directory and this threw an error 
> "Cannot find CFC ...
> I moved them to root/elisabetahermann/CFC and the error went away but no joy 
> on the query results.
> Any suggestions?

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