Part of the functionality in the gallery app ia am working on for my
wife is a popup window that displays information about the specific
painting or drawing.

I am trying to figure out how to do the following based on the value
returned from the DB for the imageStatus field:
1) Change the text displayed for the Price to the {imageStatus)if that
value is anything other than "Available".
2) Change the color of the above text to RED if the {imageStatus) ==


... //cut for brevity

[Bindable] public var imageTitle:String = "{win.title}";

[Bindable] public var imageStatus:String = "{win.status}";

[Bindable] public var imagePrice:String = "{win.price}";

[Bindable] public var displayPrice:String ;

... // cut for brevity

]]> </fx:Script>





<s:RichText id="style" x="13" y="14" width="120" color="#C39F70"
fontFamily="Times New Roman" fontSize="18" text="{imageStyle}"/>

<s:RichText width="120" color="#C39F70" fontFamily="Times New Roman"
fontSize="18" text="{imageMedium}"/>

<s:RichText id="dimensions" width="112" color="#C39F70"
fontFamily="Times New Roman" fontSize="18" text="{imageHeight} x

<s:RichText id="artPrice" width="120" color="#C39F70" fontFamily="Times
New Roman" fontSize="18" text="{imagePrice}" /> <!-- Currently
displaying the art's price -->


I have tried several things with public functions, getters/setters, but
have gotten no where.

Could someone kindly point me in the right direction?



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