And in answering my own question, this appears to be a skin related issue on 
the Playbook.  There is a known pre-2.0 OS issue with the TextInput where you 
have to use a specific mobile skin class to prevent scrolling issues with the 
text.  Without it you get a "setAreaOfInterest" error.  However, it seems that 
if you put this skin in a CalloutButton, when the callout is closed, strange 
things happen to all of the button skins in the app.

--- In, "GarethA" <lampei@...> wrote:
> An update to this...
> Did some more digging and it doesn't appear to be related to the image 
> loading.  It's something to do with the CallOutButton.  Whether I load the 
> image or not, after the calloutbutton is closed after the "get my image" 
> event is fired, the other buttons do not appear to respond visually (although 
> they are).
> --- In, "GarethA" <lampei@> wrote:
> >
> > This is a somewhat strange issue, but figure someone may have run across 
> > this before.
> > 
> > I have a mobile app that will download an image, and display that image in 
> > the app.  It hits a website, searches for the image, once it finds it, it 
> > downloads it to the device as a bytearray.  The user then saves the item, 
> > and the image is also saved.
> > 
> > At this point everything works fine.
> > 
> > However, if an image cannot be found, I'm allowing the user to find the URL 
> > of the image themselves and paste that in.  At this point, the app goes and 
> > downloads that image and displays it to the user.
> > 
> > At this point, everything is *not* working fine.
> > 
> > Everything looks the same, but whenever a button is "touched" in the app, 
> > it does not look like it is responding i.e. there is no "mouseDown" 
> > displayed on the button.  The button *does* respond to the touch, but it 
> > just does not display that it has been pressed.  Also, I had callout 
> > buttons, that do not look like they're responding.  The "button press" is 
> > registered, but the actual callout/popup does not occur.  I had to add an 
> > eventHandler that "on click/touch", openDropDown().
> > 
> > I'm not sure what else to try as both methods do exactly the same thing, 
> > except the one that doesn't work is directly manipulating the bytearray on 
> > the item in my data model (myModel.item.myByteArray = as 
> > ByteArray), whereas the the one that works is manipulating the whole item 
> > in an arraycollection, and then I am setting that item to my data model ( 
> > myItem = ac.getItemAt( 0 ) ).
> > 
> > Anyone have any experience with this before or any suggestions to try?
> > Thanks all.
> >

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