it's the same version of flash player(

On 9 February 2012 21:22, Rishi Tandon <> wrote:

> **
> Have u checked the version of flash player plugin installed for IE?
> Sent from my iPad
> On 09-Feb-2012, at 5:26 PM, Wouter Schreuders <>
> wrote:
> Hi All
> I've been having problems with the amount of scrolling that happens when
> you use the mouse-wheel with VScrollBar. I came up with two possible
> solutions(well actually my co-worked came up with the one and I came up
> with the other), one is to prevent the default behaviour of the
> mouseWheelChanging event. The other was to extend the vScrollbar class and
> overwrite some functionality inside it. Both implementations are below. The
> problem is that while both of these solutions work inside of firefox and
> chrome, they don't seem to work in IE9, I'm guessing that IE9 is somehow
> sending mouse-wheel events differently to the way it's done with the
> flashplayer in the other browsers.
> Has anyone encountered this before and know of a workaround?
> Thanks
> Wouter
> like so:
> ---------------------------------------MXML-------------------------------------------------
> <s:VScrollBar
> id="vScrollBar" viewport="{grpContent}" 
> mouseWheelChanging="MouseWheelInhibitor.mouseWheelChangingHandler(event)" />
> --------------------------------------- AS
> -------------------------------------------------
> package
> {
> import;
>  import spark.components.VScrollBar;
> public class MouseWheelInhibitor
>  {
> public static function mouseWheelChangingHandler(event:FlexMouseEvent):void
>  {
> // don't scroll by preventing default
> event.preventDefault();
>  // est amount to scroll based on height of viewport.
> var delta:Number = VScrollBar( / 20;
>  if( < 0)
> VScrollBar( += delta;
>  else
> VScrollBar( -= delta;
>  }
> }
> }
> ----------------------------------- other solution extending the
> vscrollbar class -----------------------------------------
> package
> {
> import;
> import;
>  import mx.core.IInvalidating;
> import mx.core.mx_internal;
>  import;
>  import spark.components.VScrollBar;
>  import spark.core.IViewport;
> import spark.core.NavigationUnit;
> import spark.utils.MouseEventUtil;
>  use namespace mx_internal;
>  public class TTSVScrollBar extends VScrollBar
> {
> public function TTSVScrollBar()
>  {
> super();
> }
>  // @author: braam
> // overridden to prevent viewport forced validation with every vertical
> scroll position update.
>  // when viewport is a datagrid, performance is terrible for mouse wheel
> scrolling.
> override mx_internal function mouseWheelHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
>  {
> const vp:IViewport = viewport;
> if (event.isDefaultPrevented() || !vp || !vp.visible || !visible)
>  return;
>  // Dispatch the "mouseWheelChanging" event. If preventDefault() is called
>  // on this event, the event will be cancelled.  Otherwise if  the delta
> // is modified the new value will be used.
>  var changingEvent:FlexMouseEvent =
> MouseEventUtil.createMouseWheelChangingEvent(event);
> if (!dispatchEvent(changingEvent))
>  {
> event.preventDefault();
> return;
>  }
>  const delta:int =;
>  var nSteps:uint = Math.abs(delta);
> var navigationUnit:uint;
>  var scrollPositionChanged:Boolean;
>  // Scroll delta "steps".
>  navigationUnit = (delta < 0) ? NavigationUnit.DOWN : NavigationUnit.UP;
> for (var vStep:int = 0; vStep < nSteps; vStep++)
>  {
> var vspDelta:Number = vp.getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit);
>  if (!isNaN(vspDelta))
> {
> vp.verticalScrollPosition += vspDelta;
>  scrollPositionChanged = true;
> // if (vp is IInvalidating)
> // IInvalidating(vp).validateNow();
>  }
> }
>  if (scrollPositionChanged)
> dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
>  event.preventDefault();
> }
> }
> }
>  =

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