Maybe: transition.content.currentFrame=0
On 2/22/12 4:01 PM, "freewillie0800" <> wrote: My Flex expert (my brother) is at a Buddhist retreat for 3 months and I need help. I have a Flex application where the intro is a looping SWF file. When someones click on the intro, I start a transition swf for a specified period time and then launch a menu. When there is no user activity, I go back to the intro. Now we someone clicks on the intro swf, I am only getting the last frame of the transition swf. How can I replay the swf from the beginning? Thanks. mx:SWFLoader includeIn="intro" id="swfLoaderIntro source="/assets/intro/intro.swf" complete="onSWFLoadComplete()" > </mx:SWFLoader> <mx:SWFLoader includeIn="transition" id="swfLoaderTransition" source="/assets/intro/transition.swf"> </mx:SWFLoader> -- Alex Harui Flex SDK Team Adobe Systems, Inc.