Hello guys

Hope every one is doing great.
i am a bit new to Text Layout Framework although developing in flex since flex 
4 , now my issue is that i want to position an image in a newspaper type layout 
. Actually i have to place it in a way that for instance if i am having 4 
columns then the image should be placed on the top of 2nd and 3rd column and 
also first and the last columns should remain as it is as if any one had seen 
times reader (AIR) application in which the image is spanned only on the top of 
center columns and the columns on both the sides maintain there complete page 
height. Only the centered columns change their height and width according to 
image dimensions.

The problem's second part is that when i am going to resize the page or change 
my monitor's screen resolution to different numbers then the image should 
remain in place i.e it should then also be placed only on the top of 2nd and 
3rd column. 

My Incomplete Solution to the problem

I have done the image resizing on the page resizing event and also on switching 
between different resolutions. 

The only thing that is annoying me is image positioning on page resizing and 
switching between diff resolutions. 

On thing more i am not handling image as inline graphic element i had made a 
separate container in which i am placing the image on my first page's container 
So it would be quite helpful for me that you guys suggest me something 
regarding my problems domain. Although i tried to achieve this thing through 
inline graphic element but i didn't reached any acceptable solution. I came 
across Platus Talk's blog and saw his work but that solution wasn't helpful for 
me completely as he is not dividing his text into linked containers like i am 
doing. Also i tyepcast my containers column into column state object and after 
which further type cast it to get the specified column and from there i get a 
rectangle whose height , width i have to change but if i change its height or 
width nothing happens to it not a single word even changes its position.

Thank you very much in advance. One final thing guys i have only 3 to 4 days 
left with me regarding my problem and to submit it to the client so i need a 
solution somehow soon 
Any type of help will be highly appreciated. 

With Best Regards 


 Happy Coding.

 From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
To: "flexcoders@yahoogroups.com" <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Tempermental URLLoader.load()

Use a network monitor and see what is going on underneath.

On 3/25/12 11:49 PM, "nagaofthesea" <nagaofthe...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Howdy Alex-
>Yes, everything works as expected when it does work including all the calls 
>with the listeners.
>In the projects it does NOT work all fails silently!!
>What the heck could THAT be?
>--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com> , Alex 
>Harui <aharui@...> wrote:
>> Maybe you are adding listeners to the wrong thing?  Because you should get 
>> those events when it does work.
>> On 3/24/12 4:00 PM, "nagaofthesea" <nagaofthesea@...> wrote:
>> Howdy All-
>> Strange URLLoader.load() behavior: sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. 
>>  Can't step through airglobal.swc to see what's wrong.
>> I am using the latest SDK in several versions of an AIR project.  The core 
>> code is identical across versions of the project.  Most changes are just in 
>> the presentation of the data.
>> I am a Cairngorm nut and I have extended it to suit my coding style.  I have 
>> a "master" AbstractCommand that addresses everything including listener 
>> add/remove, SQLite management, remote services, and File reading/writing.  I 
>> just override certain functions as needed.
>> In this project I read RSS beginning with the following:
>> override public function execute(event:CairngormEvent):void
>> {
>>  trace("LoadFeedCommand.execute() called");
>>  var rsso:RSSObject = LoadFeedEvent(event).feedObject;
>>  var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(rsso.url);
>>  loader = new URLLoader();
>>  addListeners(loader);
>>  try
>>  {
>>  loader.load(urlRequest);
>>  trace("loader.load() called");
>>  }
>>  catch(error:Error)
>>  {
>>  trace("problem with loader.load()");
>>  }
>>  tModelLocator.displayModel.selectedRSSObject = rsso;
>> }
>> In some of the projects URLLoader.load() works as expected.  In others with 
>> IDENTICAL code it does not. URLLoader.load() fails into nothingness.  The 
>> catch clause does not throw an Error.
>> I have added the following listneres in overrided .addListeners() and 
>> nothing gets called!
>> override public function addListeners(target:Object):void
>> {
>>  target.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete, false, 0, true);
>>  target.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS, onHTTPStatus, 
>> false,0, true);
>>  target.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError, false, 0, true);
>>  target.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, onOpen, false, 0, true);
>>  target.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress, false, 0, true);
>>  target.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError, 
>> false, 0, true);
>> }
>> Any insight on this would be wonderful.
>> Thanks,
>> -Naga
>> --
>> Alex Harui
>> Flex SDK Team
>> Adobe Systems, Inc.
>> http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui
Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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