Hi, I have taken over an app to convert to a mobile app and am new to Flex/Air.
Using FB4.6 Here is the code: var sqlcon:SQLConnection =new SQLConnection(); var dbfile:File= File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("data/aspe"); var ss:SQLStatement=new SQLStatement(); sqlcon.open(dbfile); ss.sqlConnection=sqlcon; ss.text="select distinct material as material from manning"; ss.execute(); var dgResultsults:Array=ss.getResult().data; dgMaterial.dataProvider=dgResultsults; sqlcon.close(); I get the following error: Description Resource Path Location Type 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type mx.collections:IList. I can not find an example or a way to do this. They were using the mx.combobox, but figured the spinner is more appropriate for a mobile app plus I think it's lighter and was designed for mobile. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks Rich