A custom collection can help.  What does a record look like, and how many 
columns are displayed?  Is a sort applied right away or is it optional?

On 3/29/12 11:14 PM, "Isabelle Loyer Perso" <isa_lo...@yahoo.fr> wrote:

   All record are on datagrid.
 All recordset must be sorting.

 I use sdk 4.6.

 Thanks for helping.

 Le 30/03/12 06:49, James Ong a écrit :

So the whole 60k records or partial records must be visible on the page? You 
have not mention which flex sdk version you are using.

On Mar 29, 2012 11:20 PM, "isa_loyer" <isa_lo...@yahoo.fr> wrote:


 I do a query to mysql database with httpservice.
 The result contains arround 60000 records.
 Time to create xml file is arround 40s, to slow for my customer.

 I try to accelerate the process with different methods, on server side, to 
generate file

 As customer must be able to sort datagrid, I can not use pagging.

 So do you have an idea to load datagrid more speedly.


Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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