I have a label which I need to change the font color on various states.  
Originally I had the code as below with no CSS:

<s:Label text="×" top="1" width="100%" color="#202020" color.over="#a12100" 
color.down="#a12100" fontSize="24" textAlign="center" />

I'm trying to move everything into a CSS and have the syntax as follows, but 
the state ones do not seem to get triggered.  Why?

<s:Label text="×" top="1" width="100%" styleName="MyLabel"/>

s|Label.MyLabel { color: #202020; fontSize: 24; textAlign: center; }
s|Label. MyLabel:over { color: #a12100; }
s|Label. MyLabel:down { color: #a12100; }

Michael J. Regert

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