This is an air app, so it's happening in adl.  I can remove some checks and
compile a final release and test if you want.

- Sent from my Google Nexus -
On Jun 28, 2012 5:15 PM, "Alex Harui" <> wrote:

> **
> Sorry, didn’t notice the StageY was changing as well.  Does this happen on
> other machines, browsers, etc?
> On 6/28/12 2:21 PM, "Jake Churchill" <> wrote:
> No, it always stays the same.  Here's what I have, a custom annotation
> called DrawingAnnotation which handles clicking, lines, etc.  When a line
> is added it's drawn on the chart, but all references are stored in the
> annotation.  For some reason I can't draw directly on the annotation.
> Anyway, the line has mouse events on it as well which allow it to be moved
> and selected and stuff.  When the line receives mouse down, I add an event
> listener for mouse move to the system manager:
> systemManager.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler );
> which is where I am tracking the positions and stuff.  I've added the the
> listener to the line itselt, the annotation canvas, etc.  Always the same
> result.  It always happens if I move the mouse too fast vertically.
> So, my workaround is to basically check the last mouse event against the
> current and if the y changes by more than 100 pixes, I count it an outlier
> and don't count that event.  I'm sure there's a better workaround, but I'm
> not sure since I pretty much have to rely on the position given to me in
> the mouseEvent.
> Thanks!
> -Jake
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> Print the target as well.  The target is likely changing and thus, the
> coordinates local to that target.
> On 6/28/12 10:11 AM, "Jake Churchill" < <
>> > wrote:
> Guys and Gals,
> I'm working on a charting app where we draw things over the chart (trend
> lines and stuff).  The problem I'm running into is the mouse events are not
> consistent.  For example, I'll be drawing and the mouse events come through
> with their Y position jumping up to the top, then back where it should be.
>  In the example below, local is localX, localY and stage is stageX, stageY.
>  In this example, I was dragging from somewhere in the middle basically
> straight down (a little to the left).  Notice the Y values freak out and go
> way up to the top, then come back to where you'd expect them.  This is
> following a mouse move event.  Any clue what might be causing this?
> Traced Mouse Positions:
> MouseEvent (local):  (350,213)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (350,293)
> MouseEvent (local):  (350,215)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (350,295)
> MouseEvent (local):  (349,4)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (349,84)
> MouseEvent (local):  (346,15)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (346,95)
> MouseEvent (local):  (346,228)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (346,308)
> MouseEvent (local):  (344,18)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (344,98)
> MouseEvent (local):  (344,234)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (344,314)
> MouseEvent (local):  (343,235)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (343,315)
> MouseEvent (local):  (343,236)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (343,316)
> MouseEvent (local):  (342,241)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (342,321)
> MouseEvent (local):  (341,32)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (341,112)
> MouseEvent (local):  (341,248)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (341,328)
> MouseEvent (local):  (339,259)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (339,339)
> MouseEvent (local):  (338,261)
> MouseEvent (stage):  (338,341)
> Thanks!
> -Jake
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe Systems, Inc.

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