Are you sure focus went to the sprite?  Make sure stage.focus is set and you 
got FOCUS_IN and not FOCUS_OUT (and can get keyboard events).

It might be that there is a difference in the UIA in the player.  Did you link 
in the Flex accessibility code for the Spark components?

On 9/19/12 1:37 AM, "Wouter Schreuders" <> wrote:

Hi Alex

I'm using Flex SDK 4.5A (problem also occurs on 4.6)
The flash player is version 11.3.372.94 on windows 8 64 bit and as far as I 
know IE have gone the same route as flash and rolled their own version of the 
flash player inside the browser.

Metro officially supports flash sites that comply with their conditions as set 
out here ( )

Microsoft's official policy on invoking the keyboard is that it must be under 
the control of the user and can not be problematically invoked. The way to 
invoke the keyboard is one of the following from this page ( ) :

Accessibility properties from UI Automation (UIA)
User tap
Focus changes

from their docs : UI Automation is the mechanism through which developers 
communicate whether or not a particular UI element can receive text input. You 
must ensure that the appropriate accessibility properties are set in your apps 
so that the touch keyboard will know to appear when focus lands on a specific 
UI element.

Their own windows provided controls do this automatically otherwise inside of 
your html you need to add the following:
<div contentEditable="true" role="textbox">

So  that's how it works in html. I haven't found any documentation of help on 
forums explaining how they decide when to bring up the keyboard in a flash 

As you suggested I made an AS only site to see what works and what doesn't. a 
normal sprite doesn't invoke the keyboard, neither does a sprite with a mouse 
click listener. A normal textField doesn't invoke the keyboard but a textfield 
with type set to TextFieldType.INPUT does invoke the keyboard (which makes 

So somehow microsoft (I'm guessing) are inside of flash detecting what kind of 
component recieved focus and if it's a editable textfield then it does bring up 
the keyboard.

The intriguing thing is that for some reason when a spark textInput / 
RichEditableText is set to displayAsPassword = true it DOES bring up the 
keyboard so perhaps somewhere in the framework setting that flag causes the 
component to somehow be perceived as a input component which quite strange to 
me since I can't see why setting that condition would make any difference.

Here's my test code:

import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageQuality;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
public class CleanAsProject extends Sprite
public function CleanAsProject()
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; //this stuff is required since I'm 
working in flash builder and if you you don't put it in your graphics scale is 
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH;
private function init():void
drawSprite(); // Does not invoke Metro soft Keyboard
drawSpriteWithEventHandler(); // Does not invoke Metro soft Keyboard
drawTextField(); // Does not invoke Metro soft Keyboard
drawInputTextField(); // successfully invokes Metro soft Keyboard
private function drawTextField():void
var textField:TextField = new TextField;
textField.x  = 100;
textField.y = 300;
textField.height = 50;
textField.text = 'click me';
private function drawInputTextField():void
var textField:TextField = new TextField;
textField.x  = 100;
textField.y = 350;
textField.height = 50;
textField.text = 'input text into me';
textField.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
textField.background = true;
private function drawSpriteWithEventHandler():void
var textInputEH:Sprite = new Sprite();
textInputEH.x  = 100;
textInputEH.y = 200;
var g:Graphics =;
g.beginFill(0x44ff00, 1);
textInputEH.buttonMode = true;
textInputEH.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (event:MouseEvent):void
} );
private function drawSprite():void
var textInput:Sprite = new Sprite();
textInput.x  = 100;
textInput.y = 100;
var g:Graphics =;
g.beginFill(0xff9900, 1);

On 19 September 2012 07:59, Alex Harui <> wrote:

I would break it down to an AS-only test where you set focus to a Sprite and 
see if you get the keyboard.

Which version of player are you using?  Is metro officially supported?

On 9/18/12 1:11 PM, "Wouter Schreuders" < 
<> > wrote:

Hi Alex

The problem occurs with the spark RichEditableText therefore also textInput 
(not for MX:textInput). I set up a little test inside of windows 8 metro where 
traced out all the events for both a normal textInput and a textInput with 
displayAsPassword="true" and they are firing identical events. The one with 
displayAsPassword="true" invokes the keyboard perfectly everytime. I've also 
extended the RichEditableText class and overwritten some of the methods that 
are dependant on the displayAsPassword flag to see if that makes any difference 
but no luck.

On 18 September 2012 21:50, Alex Harui < 
<> > wrote:

Spark or MX?  If Spark, then maybe they can’t handle non-TextFields getting 

On 9/17/12 8:33 AM, "Wouter Schreuders" < 
<>  <> > wrote:

Hi All

I'm busy testing our application in the windows 8 store app browser and I've 
noticed that the keyboard automatically appears when you click on a flash text 
input but not when you click on a flex text input. I'm guessing that MS are 
doing some kind of event detection which invokes the onscreen keyboard but that 
they didn't do the same thing for flex text inputs. I've also checked it seems 
that one cannot invoke the keyboard manually with javascript.

Has anyone run into this problem before and found a solution? I've also noticed 
that it DOES bring up the keyboard if you have set displayAsPassword="true" for 
some reason.

Has anyone got any idea why this is happening and how I can work around/solve 



Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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