Hi All,

I'm trying to create a right click menu in Flex that needs to be dynamically 
generated based on certain device statuses.  I'd prefer the menu to be created 
as XML as I already have functions written to traverse the XML in a menu.

My attempt at getting the menu to work is below.  Basically all I want is a top 
level menu "Add", with sub nodes "Interfaces" and "Devices" which I'll then 
further populate based on the system state.

Thanks a lot for any help,

var xlc:XMLListCollection = new XMLListCollection();
var a:XML = <menuitem label="Add"/>
var b:XML = <menuitem label="Interfaces"/>
var c:XML = <menuitem label="Devices"/>

menu = Menu.createMenu(this, xlc, false);
= "label";
menu.addEventListener(MenuEvent.CHANGE, addPointMenuHandler);
menu.show(event.stageX, event.stageY);

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