Yes, it seems to fail.

RIAtest has a component 'inspector', which shows the component tree. If my
UI component is in a different (child) application domain, it never appears
in the inspector (and events from manipulating it never get received).

When I raised a ticket against it (and asked if there were some API that I
could use to perhaps inform it more directly to my new application
domains), they pointed me to the supposed flex automation restriction -
hence me starting to dig to see if I might be able to overcome the
restriction - perhaps by generating shim classes or delegates..

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> **
> Did you actually try it and found that it fails?  I would think it should
> be able to introspect child appdomains.
> From: Nigel Magnay <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Friday, September 27, 2013 6:36 AM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [flexcoders] Automation and Application Domains
> We are using RIAtest, which uses flex automation to test some applications.
> Reading the flex documentation, it contains the following:
> Testing applications that load external libraries
> ... A library that is loaded at run time (including run-time shared
> libraries (RSLs)) must be loaded into the ApplicationDomain of the loading
> application. If the SWF file used in the application is loaded in a
> different application domain, automated testing record and playback will
> not function properly.
> This is particularly inconvenient for us; we load UI controls into
> separate ApplicationDomains (all children of
> ApplicationDomain.currentDomain) because they can have conflicting
> classnames, and this allows each form to be generated in isolation, and
> they cannot interfere with each other. The thought of having to refactor
> hundreds of classes is not appealing.
> This seems to prevent RIAtest's inspector from finding child controls
> sourced from that loader.
> Is there any way around this restriction, perhaps by implementing some
> kind of delegate class, or overriding the automation provider to allow it
> to callback to discover the applicationdomains it needs to search?

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