"Frank please read Dave's post about EJB. And please lets give proper names to the things. EJB and CMP will never more be the most popular persistence technology. "
I didn't want to mention alternatives like Toplink and Hibernate in an effort to keep the thread concise.  It is honest to say that for persistence frameworks EJB with CMP is the market leader since it is an ubiqitous technology; it appears in every J2EE compliant container.  That does not necessarily mean it is being used by everyone.  Hibernate is the best product out there, but it's penetration as a 3rd party tool just can't compete with a technology that is embedded into platforms.

So in saying that as a alternative to EJB with CMP, Hibernate is the current de-facto standard for persistence in the Java developer and architecture community.   Hibernate is currently the closest product to a reference implementation of the EJB 3.0/JSR-220 persistence standardization effort.  Currently two Hibernate employees even sit on the International voting panel for this JSR effort!  How you ca dismiss this new standard with such disdain is beyond me.


Sure, Hibernate can be used without the new EJB3 persistence APIs, and yes, it is still more powerful than current market alternatives without it, but having said that, most developers love Hibernate since it persists most JavaBeans with no code changes to the existing beans. Great for migrations. 

I don't really understand these evangalistic arguments anyways.  Tell me what happens to Hibernate when every java container provider includes their own standardized version of it?   Touting a technology as dead or alive reveals an inflexibility that may not be in your development efforts best interests, both of you guys should know better, how many deprecated APIs have you had to thrown away over the years? Yet the root of those APIs continue to adapt and become what they where originally intentioned.  Anyone remember the JDBC type 1 then 2, then 3 drivers before type 4's got it right?  Did you dump JDBC as well?


Things change, I suggest you read the new JSR and tell me your thoughts on it, instead of continuing to remind me that you had bad experiences with older technology.



Frank Krul

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