Thanx for the link, I've tried it before and it does not help. I think problem is in IE security, no idea but it does not send any https remoting call to the server.

On 1/10/06, Leif Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not really a solution but...

We've seen something happen in SSL and Remoting with Internet Explorer and certificates that are NOT fully verified.

Take a look at this blog post on Gary Matthew Roger's site and see if that make sense:



On 1/10/06, Mykola Paliyenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Peter,

No I meant exactly what I've said
when I open it using https://bla-bla/index.mxml remoting works fine in IE,
but when I do it using http://bla-bla/index.mxml it loads nothing no request come to the amf gateway
The problem is that I use remoting over https with gateway URL
Something like this:
secureGatewayURL = "https://localhost:8443/sonoportal/amfgateway ";   
this.secureGatewayConnection = new Connection();
return new Service( null, null, "spring://authenticationManager", this.secureGatewayConnection, null)

And it silently does not connect via HTTPS protocol, I've used Paros Proxy to debug it, just http requests all https are ignored.
In Firefox everything works fine, it loads swf over http and then ask me to accept certificate and after acceptance all calls over https are successfull.
my crossdomain.xml islooks very simple:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd ">
   <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false"/>

I think something wrong with IE or player 8.0.
Does anyone have success with the scenario when swf is loaded via http and data interaction is done via https in IE?

WBR, Mykola

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WBR, Mykola

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