Turns out there is a gateway-config.xml file in the Flex web root (same place as flex-config.xml).  In there is the following property:

<logger level="Error" >flex.services.logging.FlexGatewayLogger</logger >
Switch level to "Debug" and bob's your uncle.
On 1/31/06, Julian Suggate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Cheers Douglas.
I am starting Tomcat from Eclipse usually, but that should capture all console output ok. We have got log4j set up with console logging, and our server BO+DAO code is 95% tested... but curently the remoting is tested through a dummy API rather than actual server-client-server roundtrips. Sometimes lazy relations in hibernate can cause problems when they're being remoted and because our unit tests only mock up the client-server comms we're not catching some of the errors. We can hone in on the problems eventually but I just spent an hour with the Eclipse debugger, stepping through a remote call in finegrained detail, only to (eventually) figure out that the call that was failing was a completely different asynch request that was being fired by a piece of code written by a team mate. That's why I'm gasping for a stacktrace ..............................
ps "Sometimes lazy relations [...] can cause problems when they're being remoted" sounds like trying to get rid of the in-laws on Christmas day after a few too many hahaha
On 1/28/06, Douglas Knudsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
hibernate, kewl...learning that schtuff now....

we just finished up our first Flex 1.5 app.  It uses JRun in the middle.  One thing for sure, use JUnit to test out your Java code first before hooking Flex calls to it.  Next up, setup logging via log4j and have it dump to the console and make sure you start Tomcat from a console too.  I'm still all noob like about J2EE stuff, but this is working for us so far.

On a side note...anyone here using JRun?   Did you use log4j or JRun loggin?


On 1/26/06, Julian Suggate < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Hi all,
I am using Flex 1.5 with Tomcat and Hibernate. Now, sometimes I don't do so well with Hibernate :-) which to cut a long story short causes exceptions within the Flex server during remoting calls (we are using AMF). I am able to work out the wrinkles in my hibernate mappings (eventually) but it would be a lot faster if Flex would print stacktraces when it catches exceptions rather than just the exception message. An example is this:
27/01 10:54:41 DEBUG Mxml Base Servlet: keep generated SWFs = true
Error: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: [...], no session or session was closed
Error: null
This is all the info I get on the console. Because there are sometimes multiple asynch calls coming into the server it is hard to tell which one caused the error -- a stacktrace would help tremendously .. anyone know how to turn them on? I have turned on all the debug settings in flex-config.xml and raised the logging level to debug but still no joy :(
If you can help, thanks very much,

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Douglas Knudsen
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