What I want is the dragging function of those windows created by PopUpManager. My own dragging implementation is buggy and has a lot of flicker. Granted, I don't know the ins and outs of flex graphics and mouse API. However, I know exactly what I'd do in Flash, unfortunately!


On 2/4/06, Teoti Graphix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am going out on a limb here and would love someone to correct me if I am wrong.

"The PopUpManager singleton class creates new top-level windows and places or removes those windows from the layer on top of all other visible windows. See the SystemManager for a description of the layering. It is used for popup dialogs, menus, and dropdowns in ComboBox and similar components. "  - LiveDocs

When even using Flash, the PopUpManager class was not designed to actually create a window array. A popup is different from actual 'windows'. A window array is it's own reality all together.

Use the PopUpManager for things that need to 'catch' users focus because of some interaction by them.

For what you are doing, I would say create a component IE Panel like your where, create a quasi manager and use addChild(), addChildAt(), setChildIndex() which is just like using setDpeth() now.

Play with the Windows that way.

If I am wrong, I guess I do not fully understand the implied implementation of the PopUpManager.

Peace, Mike

On 2/3/06, Scott Langeberg < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anyone found how to control the depths of windows created in such a manner?:

            private var p1:IFlexDisplayObject;
            private var p2:IFlexDisplayObject;
            private function init() {
                p1 = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, comps.TestPanel, false);
                p2 = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, comps.TestPanel, false);

I want to be able to overlap popups and exchange their depths, so the one clicked overlaps all others.


: : ) Scott

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: : ) Scott

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