Thanks much for the reply Matt. This was supposed to be put in the application initialize event of the parent flex app (the one that has the loader control)? I tried in both and didn't have any luck.
A colleague had suggested setting _lockroot="true" on the loader object but that didn't seem to do it either. Any other ideas? This problem is really killing me!
Thanks for your help.

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt Chotin
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 9:13 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] DragManager issues when running in swf inside a swf

This is a known issue because the drag and drop stuff is static and therefore doesn’t often play nice across loaded swfs. 


In the Flex app that does the loading try putting a specific reference to the DragManager to make sure it gets loaded correctly.  So for example, in your initialize for the Application put var dm:DragManager = null.


I think that should pull it in and help out.




From: [] On Behalf Of Karl Johnson
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:29 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] DragManager issues when running in swf inside a swf


(Flex 1.5, AS 2)


My drag and drop code has worked fine for a long time. Today, I took the swf generated by the flex compiler and am loading it inside of a loader control in another flex app. Everything about the inner app works fine....except for the call to DragManager.doDrag(), which gets called by the mouseDown event on the draggable objects.


I have verified that the event is getting called, and that inside the event handler "" is correct. Yet, for some reason, when the swf is loaded inside of another swf, the drag operation does not work. It is like the call to doDrag is failing without error. All of the other code in the dragDrop and dragOver event handlers execute fine (when I drag in an item from a list, where I am not handling the initialization of the dragsource and am not calling doDrag()).


When I hit the swf directly, drag/drop works wonderfully. When I load it inside of another swf, dragging does not work.


Any thoughts? ANY help very much appreciated.




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