

I’m just getting started with flex 2 and I’ve run into a problem I can’t get past.  I’m trying to create a project that will let me use AMF3.  I don’t want to use web services and I’m not doing anything related to the enterprise services.


I’ve installed the “mystic” update over CF 7.0.1 running under JRun.  There’s another instance of CF under JRun but it’s not running.


I’m trying to create project using FlexBuilder 2.   (I have the standalone version of beta 2 installed.)  To create the project I click File > New > Flex Project.  It then asks me what Flex server technology the project will use.  I select ColdFusion Flash Remoting Service (this means AMF3, right?) and click next. 


The next page asks me for two things:  Root folder and Root URL.  I’ve provided the path to the flex folder under the ColdFusion instance in JRun and the path to the flex folder via the URL.  (The JRun http server port is 8300.) 


No matter what I provide the finish button is always grayed out.  I suspect that if I click Validate Location that it should validate this information and allow me to finish but every time I click that I get this error:


Server root is invalid. Could not locate flex-config.xml or flex-enterprise-services.xml.


For the life of me I’ve got no freakin’ clue how to get past this.  Can anyone help me figure out how to get past this?  Do I need to?  Can I create a standard flex project and still use AMF3? 


Can I use this AMF stuff outside of the JRun urls?  IE via http://www.mysite.com/ instead of http://localhost:8700/flex/?


Thanks for your help!


Doug Hughes



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