Hello Tobias,

i am not sure to understand all :)

>You can avoid the "java –jar" stuff if you download the Flex 2 SDK from labs.adobe.com. They provide shell scripts ("mxmlc" and "compc") that wrap all that stuff up very nicely.

I must dowload The Flex 2 SDK so I delete my folder with my last version of Flex ?

 Also, because the scripts run from the bin/ directory, they will find the default flex-config.xml without you having to specify it on the  command line.


Your command would change to:


mxmlc helloas3.as


Much simpler.

Before it was
java -jar flex/lib/mxmlc.jar -flexlib flex/frameworks -file-specs helloas3.as <http://helloas3.as>

and now only that

mxmlc helloas3.as



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