I tried searching the archives and couldn't find anything relevant to what we're doing here, so I'm hoping someone can explain something:



1.      User logs in

2.      XML is returned with all applications user has access to

3.      Tab Navigator component is generated on the fly with tabs labeled according to application names in XML returned from DB.  Actual MXML component each tab is linked to is not yet created upon creation of the TabNavigator...ONLY when the user clicks on a tab, is the appropriate MXML component created.

4.      One of the tabs is a user admin form where an admin user can select any of the system users from a list and edit their information

5.      All fields in this form are bound to ModelLocator.selectedUser.someField

6.      Admin user selects user from list and in the result method of my command class that retrieves the user, the code is simply ModelLocator.selectedUser = UserAdminVO(event.result);

7.      The VERY first time the application is deployed and the application server restarted, and the application compiles for the first time, the TextInput components DO not get updated with the bound selectedUser's information.  My trace statements in the command class SHOW the selectedUser object getting set and the field values there, but my TextInput components do not reflect this information.

8.      If I open up FlexBuilder and open my UserAdmin.mxml file, simply hit the spacebar, and save it (the file is automatically uploaded to my app server) and I hit the refresh button on my browser, go to the User Admin tab and select a user, magically, the user info is displayed as it should.

9.      If I try to redploy the code and restart the app server again, I'm back to square one.



What the HECK is going on here?  It's like a bug in the binding of a VO to the TextInput components does not work upon initial compilation on dynamically created components...not until I TOUCH the component MXML file and refresh the browser, forcing the Flex compiler to recompile the app, do the fields actually show the properly bound information.


Any thoughts?


robert l. brueckmann

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