I broke this issue down to a VERY simple example and the problem is
still there.
When I create an ArrayCollection of items and assign it to the data
provider of a List. The very first item in the list cannot be
selected. Very Weird. If I change my collection of custom VO objects
to generic {} type objects, it works fine. I've tried messing with the
[Bindable] meta tag to no avail. Anyone come across anything like
this?? I don't want to use generic objects as a work around.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
      xmlns="*" layout="absolute" creationComplete="sampleData();">
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import org.ItemVO;
            private var items : ArrayCollection ;
      private function  sampleData()
                  var item1 : ItemVO = new ItemVO();
                  var item2 : ItemVO = new ItemVO();
                  item1.name = "item1 name";
                  item1.type = "one";     
                  item2.name = "item2 name";
                  item2.type = "two";     
                  items = new ArrayCollection([item1,item2]);
      <mx:Panel id="test" title="Item Title">
            <mx:List id="columnList" dataProvider="{items}" labelField="name"/>

the ItemVO class..
package org {
     //I have the same effect whether [Bindable] is here or not
      public class ItemVO {
            public var name : String;
            public var type : String;

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