That's the whole point -- I know you guys can do the headlines say Adobe and Mickeysoft are on a head-on collision and I hope MS gets their butt kicked (I have my reasons).

JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Director's engine supports embedding ActiveX controls whereas Flash does not.  Director is a more heavyweight plugin as consequence whereas Flash Player is significantly lighter and more ubiquitious as a result.  There is a tradeoff to filesize, and embedding is not necessarely mutually exclusive.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] OpenGL vs DirectX / Vista vs. Flash Player 9 MS comments about Flash re Vista

yes, but if you can run flash in director, you should be able to run director in flash.  Of course, the developer could just use the iframe trick.

On 4/28/06, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
They did that in another product, Director, and it runs hardware accelerated 3D on the web.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 6:54 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] OpenGL vs DirectX / Vista vs. Flash Player 9 MS comments about Flash re Vista

PRE-TEXT: Just some encouragement.  You guys at Adobe are smart and I know you can put in a DirectX like API that is perhaps a triggered add-on to the normal Flash Player, something that says "This site includes high-end real time graphics; do you want to download the OpenGL Flash Player support extension?"

I just saw a Video this morning after reading Dvorak's article that IE is now an albatross due to their loss to Eolas in December and the 11th of this month requiring a huge change to ActiveX control interaction.

The video was a cross link and discussed the lack of real 3D with texturing etc. (DirectX) in Flash and a hint that "our technology you can't do on a browser".

Well, you can in an ActiveX control but now that's Screwed :-)

So Vista WinFX and the Macintosh "Viewer" (i.e. not designer app) will be this coming "Headon Collision between Adobe and Microsoft".

I just want to encourage the FLEX and Flash 9 developers to try and bust Mickeysoft's bubble when it comes to the fact that they are an old man who is slowly dying -- they will be kept alive for a long time by their Cash Reserve which, some say has a lot of money in it through dirty tricks -- but in the end, I believe Adobe will come out ahead.

Again, the FLEX group and FLASH group are full of very smart guys enough so to put in a DirectX like API that is perhaps a triggered add-on to the normal Flash Player, something that says "This site includes high-end real time graphics; do you want to download the OpenGL Flash Player support extension?"



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