Each control (Repeater, comboBox) needs to utilyze binding.  If you
use an arrayCollection as the dataProvider for all your controls,
you can easily manipulate and bind the data that resides in the
model (preferably modelLocator).


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "djbrown_rotonews"
> I've got the following GUI component that updates a value inside
> mx:Model I've defined:
> <mx:ComboBox x="625" y="0" id="cbStartTime"  rowCount="10"
> dataProvider="{hours.hour}"
> change="timeRange.STARTTIME=cbStartTime.selectedItem.data"/>
> I'm in the process of adding a <mx:Repeater> construct around one
> my GUI panels that contains about 4 ComboBoxes (including the one
> above) and a 20-column DataGrid. I'm not able to drill-down as
> before (cbStartTime.selectedItem.data has no meaning when using a
> Repeater apparently. Likewise, my relative positioning of GUI
> components (where the x of the current is based on the right edge
> the previous component) won't work for similiar reasons).
> I need the GUI "replicated" n number of times for n different
> based on a selection from a check box elsewhere in the GUI, so I
> think using a Repeater is the way to go, but how do I access
> specific values (like x, selectedIndex, etc..) of the "current"
> component being repeated?
> I wrapped my GUI component (a panel with many sub-components) as
> follows:
> <mx:TabNavigator width="100%" height="100%" >
> <mx:Repeater id="rp" dataProvider="{mockStations}">
> <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" label="{rp.currentItem}"  
> id="sta1">
> where mockStations is just a 3-length array of Strings. I didn't
> have any luck with a similiar construct where I could drill-down
> using rp.currentItem to get access to the values I need.
> Also, I get a compile-time error about implicit coercion between
> data types when I use my old DataGridColumn stuff along with a
> Repeater as well.

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