I dug a little deeper into this issue, and this is what I've found:

My destination works, I named it "testDest" and now I can connect to
it fine.  I changed it's name to "otherTest", restarted Flex Server,
changed my MXML to point to it, and when I ran it, it said
that "otherTest" was not found.

I figured there was some kind of a cache problem, so I restarted my
computer.  Once it booted up, I started Flex Server, and re-ran my
MXML.  Same problem, "otherTest" not found.

So then, I opened up the XML file, changed the destinations name
back to "testDest", changed my MXML to point to that destination and
re-ran again (WITHOUT restarting Flex Server).  And it worked fine.

So Flex Server seems to have an issue with changes in destinations. 
Restarting the server/machine doesn't seem to help, and unlike in
Beta 2, the counsel output doesn't seem to tell you what
destinations it has defined.

The Flex Admin app (http://localhost:8700/flex-admin/) does seem to
tell you which destinations are defined, and in each case, the
proper destination is defined there. Even when I get the error.

Is this a know bug in Flex Server, or is there another service
somewhere I should be restarting?

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