I am playing around with FlashVNC. There was a TitleWindow control that has a handleDisconnect function for its close event. From there the Event.CLOSE event is dispatched. This event is handled by the main app to close the TitleWindow.

But when it is dispatched it throws:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to mx.events.CloseEvent.
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at flashvnc.view::VncPanel/flashvnc.view:VncPanel::handleDisconnect()[C:\Program Files\IFBIN\examples\xbe\ebfa163f6f50ac991d46b283effd8c2384611f88\FlashVNC_B2\flashvnc\view\VncPanel.mxml:375]
    at flashvnc.view::VncPanel/___TitleWindow1_close ()[C:\Program Files\IFBIN\examples\xbe\ebfa163f6f50ac991d46b283effd8c2384611f88\FlashVNC_B2\flashvnc\view\VncPanel.mxml:23]
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at mx.containers::Panel/mx.containers:Panel::closeButton_clickHandler ()[C:\dev\beta3\sdk\frameworks\mx\containers\Panel.as:1520]

It is only when it tries to dispatch Event.CLOSE, if I change it to "myclose" or something it is fine.

I have coded up the same kind of thing an a test app and it seems to work fine.

the line of code is just:

                dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));

?Any ideas? Is it something to do with the fact that the handler is the handler for Event.CLOSE? (but in a different event hierarchy?)

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."

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