I am sure this can't me right, but my remote call using RemoteObject
to a CFC to return 1 record is taking 11 seconds.

I have put debugging code in the Actions script and  the call takes
less than 10ms

I have put debugging code in the CFC and it takes less than 1500ms to
run (there is more than just a cfquery in there...)

I have put debugging code in the result handler, and it is taking less
than 50ms to run.(10 seconds later mind you...)

10 + 1500 + 50 != 10000

Here is an example of the timings:

In my RemoteObject call it have:
at the beginning:
trace("makeRemoteCall()::start :: " + getTimer() + "ms");           
at the end:
trace("makeRemoteCall()::End :: " + getTimer() + "ms");           

which has 40959ms and 40973ms

In my function called "doResults" which handles the result I have
similar traces which have:
51871 for the start one, which is 11seconds later

The set up is all on my computer, and the table the query is coming
from a table with 100,000 records in it, but is only taking 1.5 secs
get the single record.

Has anyone have any trouble shooting on where to look?
Any idea where my "missing time" could be?



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