Honestly, I'd love for this to be the last post on the subject; not to censor or to stifle information, but because for the vast majority of the list, this is a topic that they are using their delete key for.
The purpose of flexcoders is not to be a forum, is not to be a resource of articles, is not to be a knowledge base, is not to be a community site as such. The purpose of flexcoders is to provide a mailing list where people can email questions, and where people can email responses.  There are numerous solutions to providing a mailing list, and we've chosen yahoogroups. 
Others have sought to have more of a web-based community, and have responded to that - Tariq's efforts with cfflex would be a great example of this.   If anyone feels there is a gap in the community - an online chat, a place for posting and sharing code snippets, a knowledge base of articles, and they don't feel that things like labs, adobe forums, blogs, cfflex,etc, are covering those gaps, I'd encourage you to innovate and deliver.
This is a mailing list, not a software product - we don't have a team "publishing a roadmap for flexcoders 2".  Rather we'd devote our time to supporting the mailing list as best we can, by keeping the signal to noise ratio high through the minimum amount of moderation, and contributing knowledge to the list where the gaps exist.  We have a team of moderators who have the sole aim of ensuring that this list is as spam free as possible (and I'd hope you feel that we're achieving that) and who try to step in as little as possible when the content on the list is deviating from the core subject as much as possible.  If we're achieving both these aims, we're achieving our ambition with flexcoders.
If  - with the release of Flex 2 - there is an explosive growth in the community, and a need to split into separate lists, we will entertain that option. However, this option can create as many problems as it solves - people cross-posting to lists and the volume of emails increasing rather than becoming more managable, or the reaching of a tipping point whereby those who hang out on the list to "give more than they receive" find the effort has reached the point of overwhelming, and the fragmentation drives down the value of content.   But we are users as well as moderators of the list, and as soon as it becomes unusable for us, we'll be sure to entertain the next logical options.
We are keeping flexcoders the way it is right now not because we don't care, but because we care passionately.
It is never our intention to offer web-based forums, wikis, blogs, knowledge bases or any of these other things.  There are other resources for doing so, or the community is able to respond accordingly.  Perhaps you are volunteering ? :)
Flexcoders is a mailing list, and the primary interaction is intended by design to be people posting emails to the list, and these emails hitting the inbox of every other member, with a digest for those who wish to scan on a more irregular basis.  This enables the quickest responses to solutions, so that the list becomes an enabling means of making the growing flexcoders community as successful as possible.  This is a forum where those learning and pushing the technology, can hit a brick wall several times a day, and have that wall removed for them by someone else.  That carries immeasurable value to me.
I stress again; we have close to 4000 members who are using the list regularly, and there are less than 10-15 members who regularly post about alternatives (more often that not, moving the list to their own site or servers). 
We're only trying to be a mailing list, and the volume and value that the community are finding from the emails here, would suggest we're still doing a decent job of being just that.
Now please, if people want to discuss alternatives, can we take the discussion off-list, rather than frustrate those here, who are happy with the solution as is, and who are more interested in "flexcoding".
Thanks for your passionate support; that's a great measure of community.

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